
A loner who desperately waits for a tiktok interview for a chance to seem interesting by listening to music with titles that cant be searched.

Some guy hit my car and insurance has kept me waiting about a month to get money for repairs. I cant wait to get it fixed.

Cold Season

I love when its cold out and I get to go shopping.

I love black friday because I see the price being slashed and it makes my brain think that everything is cheaper when in reality I never would have spent 100 dollars on that windbreaker if that was its normal price.

Also I bought a 2nd Gen Apple Pencil. That shit is not compatible unless you got one of the new, new IPads. Sooo, I can’t wait to wait another week before I can get a setup going so I can draw on the go.

and then I wonder again if my art style is good enough yet


Whats she reviewing?

She’s probably reviewing the new Scufs album nah I’m fine.


I have to make up the 4 years I spent on my computer science degree. That is my mission.

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